Real Deal: Open House Sunday
Real Deal: Open House Sunday
By Jocelyn P. Porteria, Realtor
We hardly see open house signs nowadays but there are still some out there. Social media has taken over traditional house showings and open houses because searches are available online wherever you are. Buyers and sellers can do their own research and most times they think they are savvier than real estate agents. Well, that’s where non-licensed buyers and sellers are wrong because there’s more than meets the eye. It’s called years of professional experience.
It’s true that some Realtors ® don’t do open houses anymore because information is readily available online. Though I tend to somewhat agree with that notion, realtors and clients alike should not underestimate the value of creating personal relationships and interaction. The fact is social media has helped in streamlining house searches. When buyers call me, they have already researched online pinpointing the exact location they are looking for, the type of home and most times, they already have a specific address in mind!
This makes our job easier. We pick up from there and that is where our expertise comes in. Because of their online research, savvy sellers already have specific price range in mind because of the comp research they have done. Well, most times, prior research can be a disadvantage. What I do is educate them on the correct pricing and offer marketing strategies including the possibility of an Open House if necessary. You don’t just put a sign on the yard on a Sunday morning and open the house to the public.
These are some pointers that agents should be doing to achieve a successful open house. Both sellers and agents have to coordinate to get the most favorable results.
Familiarize – I often drive around the neighborhood especially if the area is not familiar to me. I look for nearest highways, shopping centers, schools, etc. I inquire with the sellers so that I can use points of interests as bullet points when potential buyers ask. I don’t expect to know everything but I always provide answers as soon as I get them, whether it be from the sellers, other agents or online.
Put Open House Ads at least a week before – you don’t want anybody to see your open house a day or the night before. They may have other things already scheduled for the weekend that conflict with the open house. Give neighbors time to potentially invite their friends or relatives who may be searching for a house nearby but be careful placing your ad too early as some clients could forget.
Use Social Media – I bet most of us have our own social media account; Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to name a few. Whether it’s for personal or business use, update your status to promote the upcoming open house and include exterior and interior pictures of the property. Be creative or use superlative degree descriptions such as “You won’t believe a house like this is inside your neighborhood!”
Directional Signs – Put directional signs beginning from a major street all the way to the property. It’s better to put the signs early that day or the night before. Make it visible for people passing by so they can see it and plan to visit or possibly tell friends and relatives looking in the area. Just remember to remove the signs after the Open House as they may think you will be doing it again next week; unless you really are. Some HOA’s or counties only allow signs during weekends and will take it off by Monday morning; say goodbye to your signs then.
These are just a few ideas that should be helpful in understanding the importance of using a marketing tool such as an open house. Buyers and sellers should not only coordinate but also cooperate with their agents to achieve both their goals in selling their property within a reasonable time and as well as their desired asking price.
Note: Jocelyn Porteria is a Realtor® licensed in VA. Top Producer of Fairfax Realty and earning Five-Star Reviews from her clients. She is a Certified Expert Negotiator and also earned a designation as an Accredited Staging Professional; ABR, Accredited Buyer’s Specialist; CDPE Certified Distressed Property and Short Sale Expert, For more info, visit her website at and on Facebook Call her at 571-432-8335 or email at for free confidential consultations.
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